Augmented Art

An Interactive Art Show

After attending the WR10 iPad PLC, David Hoang (@MrDavidHoang) invited me to attend a student art exhibit where students in grades 1-5 proudly displayed their art work. They used the app Aurasma to add their voices to their work. Thanks for sharing David!

Shared by: David Hoang, Dundas P.S., Toronto District School Board

Highlights: Assessment for Learning, Building Success Criteria

Students in grades 1-5 worked with an artist educator from Walnut Studios to learn about a Canadian artist and create a piece of artwork inspired by them. The art included symbolic paintings inspired by Charles Pachter’s pattern paintings, sculptures inspired by Tonya Hart’s Arctic Animals, sculptures from Chris Walsh’s 3D Map Sculptures and self-portraits inspired by First Nation artist Arthur Shilling. The final pieces of artwork were then displayed in the Dundas Arts Alive Gallery for student and parent viewing.

Students were then video taped describing and reflecting on their art work. These videos were then saved as “auras”. When students from other classes came to view the artwork on display, they used iPads and the app Aurasma to view the auras. When students held the iPad in front of a piece of artwork, a video would appear of the student describing their art work. Visiting students were asked to complete a scavenger hunt with questions about the artists and art work.

Evidence of Learning

Using videos to describe students’ pieces of art provided students the opportunity to reflect, respond, and analyze their own art work. Constructing and using Success Criteria for this project allowed students to clearly articulate their art experiences and describe their strengths and areas for improvement.

Listening to the videos also gives teachers a great assessment for learning artifact. While listening to students’ describe their work, teachers can identify areas that need re-teaching, or further instruction.

Students who were about to begin creating videos and auras were also able to use the examples and start to build the success criteria for their own upcoming art reflections.

Considerations and Suggestions

An account is required to build auras and it will take some time to attach the videos to target images. You can select a “private” channel that the auras will play on (which will protect student privacy). The app needs to be logged into the account to view the auras. It would be important to talk to students about what information they reveal about themselves on video (i.e. first name only, no personally identifiable information etc.)

The first time students use Aurasma, they can be distracted by the “magic” of the tool. They are watching the videos, but not necessarily listening to the content. Having pre and post conversations would be valuable.

This app could be used with any grade and any subject. As the students get older, they can use the app with more independence and begin to create their own auras.

Variations and Extensions

Augmented reality can be used for so many different purposes. Some examples include:


Video: Augmented Reality in Education: Shaw Wood Primary School uses Aurasma

Video: How to Make an Aura in the Aurasma Studio

App: Aurasma on iTunes

Website: Blank Canvases in the School (Walnut Studio) – Art Lessons