Digital Lead Learners
In my role as Instructional Leader at the TDSB I designed, developed and implemented the Digital Lead Learner (DLL) program in collaboration with my colleagues for the past five years.
Digital Lead Learners (DLL) is a Professional Learning Network of volunteer elementary and secondary teachers interested in and dedicated to supporting the curricular use of technology. Each year, DLL members provide 75 after school workshops to over 800 teachers and hosted a K-12 EdTech MarketPlace with over 400 attendees.
Digital Lead Learners include elementary and secondary teachers, curriculum leaders, and includes representation from STEM, Special Education, Library and Learning Resources, French, and Model Schools. Each year approximately 75 face-to-face and online after school workshops are provided to over 700 teachers.
The DLL Learning Goals include:
Building educational technology capacity across the TDSB through a sustainable professional learning model
Supporting TDSB priorities through the curricular use of technology
Fostering innovative practices and educational technologies in TDSB classrooms
Please visit the DLL Website at TDSB Digital Lead Learners for complete information.