Ottawa Google Summit
Examine the Power of Google Apps throughout the Process of Inquiry
In this session, participants will consider how to integrate Google Apps (documents, presentations, forms, draw etc.) throughout the Inquiry Model. This session will provide concrete examples of Google integration throughout each phase of inquiry including Exploring, Investigating, Processing & Creating. Focusing on the curriculum possibilities rather than the “how-to,” participants will see how Google Apps can be used with higher-order thinking skills such as analyzing, evaluating and creating.
For, As, Of Learning: Using Google Apps to Integrate Assessment Practices
This session will examine how the features of Google Apps can help teachers integrate effective assessment practices into their programming. Participants will consider how to use Google Apps in a Blended Learning environment to identify, share & clarify learning goals and success criteria. Examples of how to provide effective descriptive feedback, use peer and self-assessment, and improve Teacher-Parent-Student Communication will be shared.
Creating Pathways to Success: Using Google Apps to Support Elementary Portfolio Development
In this session participants will consider how Google Apps can be used with elementary students to help implement the new career development policy for Ontario, Creating Pathways to Success. This session will consider how Google Apps can help students document their learning as they develop their “All About Me” portfolios from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Participants will discuss how Google Apps could be used to help students establish, review, and revise their portfolios.
Live Out Loud: Creating a Digital Legacy
The term “Digital Citizenship” is used often when discussing how to protect ourselves and our students online. But in a world where we are “Googled” what can we do to control what appears online? In this session participants will consider how to they can provide opportunities for students to create a positive digital presence and take control of their digital legacy.
Highlights & Feedback
Thanks to those who attended my sessions and provide feedback. Here are a few highlights.
“I love all the new technology I gained through the summit, but I was particularly touched by the humanity in Julie Millan’s presentation. It is a powerful piece that is so important when teaching/modelling day to day (online) citizenship for our students”
“Excellent presenter – lots of great insights & stories to highlight her points. Very knowledgeable & had lots of resources/ideas to share.”
“Julie was an excellent speaker who generated some excellent dialogue in her digital legacy session.”
“Thanks for starting a conversation about digital citizenship! This session has inspired me to speak openly with students about their behaviour on line so that we can bring it out into the open and challenge kids to a have and expect a higher standard in cyberspace.”
“Went to two of her sessions because she was “that” good! Looking forward to trying out some of her ideas!”