YRDSB Digital Citizenship
2017 with York Region District School Board's EdCamp
Go Google Yourself! Controlling Your Online Legacy
When was the last time you Googled yourself? When was the last time you were Googled? What will I find if I Google You? What do you want me to find? In a world where we are being “Googled” by employers, parents, and administrators how do we model and control our online presence? In this session we’ll talk about how to create a positive Digital Presence and take control of your Digital Legacy using GAFE and other digital tools. We’ll consider various elements of Digital Citizenship (such as the “Power of the Like” and “Anonymous vs Private” and how we can integrate these elements of citizenship into our work with students.
A variety of digital tools and teaching strategies will be shared to support this learning journey for both teachers and students. Examples are intended to be highly portable and transferable – something you can try tomorrow in your classrooms and schools.