Google Apps for Education Summer Camp
Nova Scotia Ministry of Education
Google Apps for Education Summer Camp, Nova Scotia Ministry of Education
Earn this exclusive Nova Scotia Badge by completing specific tasks during Julie's sessions!
Session Title: More than a Presentation Tool: Playing with Google Slides
Session Description:
Did you know that you can do so much more than just create a presentation with Google Slides? In this session we will explore basic features (commenting, images, themes), as well as some of the advanced tools of Google Slides (interactivity, embedding). We’ll discuss how to use Google Slides for both student and teacher creation. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, let’s take some time to learn, tinker and get started creating your own Google Slides.
Session Title: Digital Citizenship: Considerations for the Classroom
Session Description:
We often talk about the need to “teach Digital Citizenship” in our classrooms - but what does this mean and how do we integrate this in a realistic, impactful and meaningful way with our students? Let’s discuss some essential tips for introducing the elements of digital citizenship into our work.
Session Title: Augment the Learning with Google Apps for Education
Session Description: Explore how Google Apps for Education can support a variety of teaching strategies in the classroom. Examples will include Inquiry Based Learning, Assessment for/as/of Learning, plus a few “did you know?” tools and tricks. This will not be a "how to" session, but rather a session to inspire attendees to consider the use of GAFE in their classrooms.