ETFO ICT Conference
June 1 & 2, 2018
Getting the Most Out of Google Classroom
Have you been dabbling with Google Classroom but know that there is so much more potential and functionality in this tool that you don’t yet understand? Are you using gSuite for Education, but want to find an easier way to use these tools with students? Many teachers have a basic understanding of how to use Google Classroom but now it’s time to explore the full capabilities of this online classroom. From understanding the features, to organizing assignments, to integration with other Google tools, assessment & evaluation, student voice, and digital citizenship, we will look at how to get the most out of this amazing classroom tool for both students and teachers! This session is intended for all users, although having a basic knowledge of Google Classroom will be very beneficial. You will walk out of this session with inspiring ideas, best practices, and practical tips on how to use Google Classroom in the elementary grades.
CLICK HERE for Access to the Slide Presentation
Join the supporting Google Classroom with the code: v5ekoi
You will need to go to and sign in with a personal gMail account to access the classroom.