Digital Citizenship
Where to Start
Collated Resources
Julie’s Pinterest Page: Digital Citizenship & Digital Citizenship Videos
Great people and organizations to follow on Twitter - Twitter List: Digital Citizenship
Specific Resources
Article: How to Tackle Digital Citizenship During the First 5 Days of School
Supporting Resources with Links to Activities -
Example Doc: Class Online User Agreement by Diana Hale @dianahalezoux
Poster: Think Before You Click & French Poster by @MrsGeekChic
Website: Digital Footprints by Chris Clementi @kidsnetsoft
Article: Let's Switch Questioning Around (The Outsiders Example)
Lessons: OSAPAC Digital Citizenship Lessons
Study: Realities of CyberParenting (The Power of the Like)
News Article: Boston Red Sox slugger Pablo Sandoval benched for 'liking' women on Instagram mid-game
Video: Amanda Todd
Study: Media Smart: Life Online
Video: The Internet knows where your cat lives and you should be worried
News Article: Being Bad Luck Brian: When the meme that made you famous starts to fade away - The Washington Post
News Article: How viral meme helped save Success Kid’s dad’s life
Blog Post: Internet Memes and the Right to be Forgotten
News Article: Alex from Target: The Other Side of Fame
Google Site Template: Elementary ePortfolio
Ted Talk Video: Monica Lewinsky. The Price of Shame (Ted Talks)
Tweet Sweet Campaign
Article: Valedictorian Made A Secret Instagram Account To Write A Personal Note To All 657 People In His Clas
Video: My Digital Stamp
General Resources & Sites
Media Smarts
OSAPAC - Digital Citizenship Resources
TALCO Digital Citizenship Project
InCtrl - Digital Citizenship Curriculum
Common Sense Media - K-12 Scope & Sequence
Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum
South West Grid Digital Literacy and Citizenship
Lester B. Pearson School Board - Digital Citizenship Curriculum (Quebec)